Monday 7 December 2015

5 Christmas Gift Ideas For Car Enthusiasts

Christmas is just a few short weeks away! It’s a good time to plan ahead and start thinking about what gifts you’re going to be giving to loved ones, which is no easy task. Often it can be more difficult to think of gift ideas for people that are very close to you. As you well know, it’s a good idea to think about the interests of the person you’re buying for.

There’s plenty of rev heads (otherwise known as car enthusiasts) in Australia and chances are you’ve got one in your close or extended family. If this is the case, you’re in luck. Below we’ve listed some innovative gift ideas for people obsessed with all things cars. At Chadstone Mitsubishi, we know better than anyone.

Car TV

In the perfect world, just about everyone’s dream car has a mini screen somewhere or other. There are plenty of options and they differ in price quite a bit, but for standard TV monitors, you’re looking at $150 minimum for a 9” screen.

Most can be installed in the front for easy viewing from the drivers’ seat (although not while operating the vehicle of cause!), while others are typically installed on the back of the driver and passenger seats.

The next step up is to have the screen fold down from the roof and you can even hook up a Playstation or Xbox.

Massage Cushion

This is as good as it sounds. It helps in particular for those long journeys and road trip, to ensure you’re comfortable the whole trip. A massage cushion is quite affordable and keeps the driver’s neck and back loosened up. Most can be adjusted and you can choose how strong massage you want while you’re at the wheel.

There are also heated massage cushions, which start at around $100 online. Most cars seats are fairly comfy. But there’s comfy, and there’s heated massage cushion comfy.

Underdash Lighting Kit

These LEDs make the experience of driving in the night time quite a thrill for passengers. Lighting kits vary in price somewhat and we should mention that some may be deemed illegal, although it’s somewhat of a grey area as far of the law are concerned. However, common sense should prevail on the part of the driver - you can reduce the amount of light they give off and if it interferes with the drivers’ eyesight, obviously it’s a good idea to tone it down. They can be switched while the car is being driven too.

Interior Mats

It might seem a little boring compared to the other things on this list, but it’s just as important to someone that’s nuts about their car. We’re quite impressed with these 1 Gallon mats - they can soak up a large amount of liquid in case of a spillage, which is otherwise a car owner’s worst nightmare. Protective mats for the back of seats are also handy if there are kids in the equation. For expensive cars with nice leather interiors, these are almost a must.

Australian Grand Prix Tickets

It’s true that the Melbourne event is still a few months away, but tickets to the Grand Prix are basically the best thing you can buy for a true car lover. The event in 2016 starts quite a bit later in the year than it has before, but this just means receiving them on Christmas gives them more of a chance to get excited and prepared themselves for the 4-day race. It begins March 31, 2016, only 3 months from Christmas day!

So there you have it, five of the best Christmas gifts for car nuts money can buy! If you want to go one step further and buy them a new Mitsubishi car (wink, wink) head on down to Chadstone Mitsubishi today and check out Melbourne’s biggest range. To all our readers, enjoy your Christmas!